Articles Listed by Topic

Artificial Intelligence

1. Targeted Legislation
2. The Report on AI Regulation
3. A New AI Law
4. AI Liability
5. AI Optimisation
6. Learning to Read
7. Storytelling Reimagined
8. Open AI Innovation
9. Time Limited Arguments
10. AI Companions
11. Good Governance
12. Diversity Through AI
13. Controlling AI Export
14. Getting AI to Work for You
15. Technophobia
16. Learning from Failure
17. CAS Regulations for AI
18. Liars Dividend
19. NYT v. the LLMs
20. Looking Back on 2023
21. AI for the Global South
22. Human Writing
23. Governing the Governors
24. Pandora's Box
25. Managing AI Disruption
26. Proof of Humanness
27. Mad AI Disease
28. Neither Good Nor Bad
29. Musical Intelligence
30. Fear of the Unknown
31. Rule Makers
32. In-Built Bias
33. Ill-Advised Advisory
34. AI's GDPR Problem
35. Pro-Innovation Regulation
36. Containing AI
37. Does AI Copy
38. Momentous Change
39. Truth and LLMs
40. It's Getting Real
41. The Language Barrier
42. Should AI own IP
43. We Don't Need Large Datasets
44. It’s better to use incentives than diktats to develop AI
45. Rising machine intelligence is a double-edged sword
46. Machines can err but humans aren’t infallible either
47. It’s time to frame rules for our artificial companions
48. Ridding the judicial system of human subjectivity
49. Using artificial intelligence more effectively
50. Artificial Intelligence and the Law of the Horse
51. Tabula Rasa
52. Collaborative AI
53. The Rise of the Machines

Autonomous Technology

1. The perilous consequences of automation dependency
2. Autonomous transportation at scale is here
3. Will humans be part of the wars of the future?
4. Unintended consequences of autonomous transportation
5. War of the machines
6. Ready for the day the Machines Take Over
7. The Rise of the Machines
8. The Ethics of Automation


1. The Finternet
2. Casino or Computer
3. Proof of Humanness
4. The Unified Ledger
5. Sufficient Decentralisation
6. A New Digital Coin
7. Virtually Mine
8. Crypto Regulation
9. The Future of Title
10. Non Fungible Tokens
11. The CBDC Alternative
12. What the top court’s order means for virtual currencies
13. UPI is world-class and it’s time to take it international
14. The futility of prohibiting bitcoin trade
15. Bitcoin and the law of centralization
16. Blockchain Land Records
17. Cutting out the Middleman
18. Blockchain Governance

Business of Law

1. A Tidal Wave of Disruption
2. ON Courts
3. Embracing ODR
4. Lawyer, Disrupt Thyself
5. Accessible Legal Systems
6. Judicial Sector Reform
7. A Golden Opportunity for Judicial Reform
8. Online Dispute Resolution
9. Store data efficiently to get insights for justice reforms
10. Adaptive legal advice for shape-shifting businesses
11. Ridding the judicial system of human subjectivity
12. Disruption and innovation in the legal industry
13. The need for innovation in the legal sector
14. A game of Chinese whispers in the Aadhaar case
15. Will technology be able to disrupt the legal industry?
16. Collaborative AI
17. The Demise of the Artisanal Lawyer

Climate Change

1. The Cost of Cold
2. An Internet for energy
3. Virtual Power Plants
4. Solar Geoengineering
5. Green Fuel
6. Setting the Standard
7. The case for meat options that taste like the real thing
8. Getting the Earth out of the Anthropocene period
9. The Great Manure Crisis of 1894


1. DPI for Competition
2. Sharp Lines
3. Overlap
4. Competition in Telecoms
5. How to make online payments bustle with competition
6. Algorithmic collusion is a possibility to watch out for
7. The competition law and data advantage conundrum
8. Of digital competition and data transfer principles
9. For the digital world, customer is truly king
10. Intermediating supply and demand
11. Colluding Algorithms

Content Moderation

1. Transparent Take Down
2. The Loss of Immunity
3. Moderating Systems
4. Dis-Content
5. Appealing Moderation
6. Backfire
7. Intermediaries Liable
8. Gatekeepers at the Edge
9. Moderating with Moderation
10. Shield online platforms for content moderation to work
11. The value of scepticism in the age of deep-fake videos
12. The challenge of detecting fake content
13. History shows us how to deal with news echo chambers
14. The backfire effect and the menace of fake news

Data Governance

1. Assembly Theory
2. Threading the Needle
3. The Zone of Mischief
4. A New Delhi Effect
5. The Third Way
6. Designing Data Governance
7. Data Breach
8. Exceptionally Simple
9. Digital Personal Data Protection
10. Asymmetry
11. Data Breach Notifications
12. The Unfulfilled Promise
13. National Priorities
14. Global Data Stability
15. Different Strokes
16. Autocracy or Vetocracy
17. Smart Regulation
18. Predicting the Future
19. To Forget or Not to Forget...
20. A New Westphalia
21. The Subscription Economy
22. Age Gating
23. Data is not the New Oil
24. Contract as Code
25. Why community data trustees should also be regulated
26. An opportunity lost for an internet we could all rely on
27. We need greater clarity on internet freedom in India
28. We may need a whole new approach to data protection
29. Agility should characterize the future of governance
30. We need a cost-benefit analysis of data localization
31. Why shutting down the internet is no longer an option
32. Skinny Solstice
33. Recommendation engines
34. Big Bad Data
35. The New Imperialists
36. Data is a Capital Asset

Digital Public Infrastructure

1. Consent Managers
2. An Internet for energy
3. Taking Stock
4. A DPI for Climate Change
5. Tech Solutions for Use Limitation
6. A DPI for Non-Financial Data
7. The Grand Bargain
8. ON Courts
9. A Commitment to Reuse
10. DPI for Competition
11. Diversity Through AI
12. A New Model for UPI
13. In Favour of DPI
14. Looking Back on 2023
15. No-one Left Behind
16. Brazilian DPI
17. No Time for False Modesty
18. New Delhi Declaration
19. DPI Solutions
20. Digital Gender Inclusion
21. An Explosion of DPI
22. Existential Angst
23. Your Face is Your Boarding Pass
24. Alt Big Tech
25. Looking Back
26. Data Governance - The DPI Way
27. Neutral Global Infrastructure
28. Autocracy or Vetocracy
29. Centralise or Federate
30. Opening Closed Spaces
31. A Technolegal Approach to Data Transfers
32. The Dark Cloud over India's Micro-Entrepreneurs
33. Encoding Privacy Principles
34. New Umbrella Entities are not a good idea
35. We must act to stop the future from turning dystopian
36. Not All It Could Be
37. The Aadhaar amendment and private sector access
38. Ensuring that the vulnerable benefit from Aadhaar
39. The Aadhaar verdict: everybody lost
40. The Stiff Backbone of the Aadhaar Bill


1. The Skies are Free
2. Free the Skies
3. Technological restrictions in the new drone policy
4. Drones to the rescue
5. Drones should be regulated by city traffic laws not aviation regulations

E Commerce

1. The Governance Module
2. Unpacking the Retail Stack
3. The App Store Tax
4. The Dark Cloud over India's Micro-Entrepreneurs
5. The App Store Evolves
6. The Beckn Protocol
7. The competition law and data advantage conundrum
8. The need for an online dispute resolution mechanism
9. India's draft e-commerce policy is more a miss than a hit
10. The future of retail
11. Perfect Price Discrimination
12. Digital Inclusion for the 85%


1. An education model that best suits the realities we face
2. Ready for the day the Machines Take Over


1. Traceability is Antithetical to Liberty
2. Prepare for a world of quantum haves and have-nots


1. The risk of planetary geoengineering
2. The circular economy

Future of Work

1. Storytelling Reimagined
2. Hybrid Work
3. How the covid pandemic could reshape life in our cities
4. What will the new jobs look like?
5. The robots are taking our jobs
6. Ready for the day the Machines Take Over


1. The App Store Tax
2. The popularity and regulation of competitive eSports

Geopolitics of Technology

1. India’s 21st century dilemma of global non-alignment
2. How Britain got ahead of us in economic development


1. Secondary Use of Health Data
2. Micro Robots
3. Studying Human Infection
4. Neither Good Nor Bad
5. Rule Makers
6. In-Built Bias
7. Phages and Precision Medicine
8. Patient Capital
9. The Rural Challenge
10. The Vaccine Waiver
11. Vaccinate
12. The Cost of Orphan Drugs
13. The mission to put health records at doctors fingertips
14. Immunity passports might be inevitable as we go along
15. How the covid pandemic could reshape life in our cities
16. Aarogya Setu and the value of syndromic surveillance
17. Mobility datasets could help India exit the lockdown
18. The corona crisis must not make us shut the world out
19. Platform technologies could deliver a vaccine quickly
20. Forensic DNA technology and the miasma of distrust
21. The dilemma of trying out new cures for malaria
22. Manufacturing drugs on demand
23. The downside of gene editing
24. The use of technology in providing healthcare
25. Genetic matchmaking can improve medical outcomes
26. The lady with the lamp and data-driven medicine
27. A new direction for data privacy in healthcare
28. Does right to life include advance directives?
29. Genetic diseases should be covered by insurance
30. Breaking Down Data Silos
31. Path to Self Improvement
32. A la Carte Medicine
33. The Myth of the Average Man
34. The End of Life
35. Insuring Previvors
36. Rare Diseases: Orphan Drugs
37. Big Bad Data
38. Cutting the Code with CRISPR
39. A Database of our Maladies


1. Is There Anybody Out There?
2. New Identity Solutions
3. Proof of Humanness
4. Aadhaar: The Fine Balance between Identity and Anonymity
5. The Evolution of Identity
6. The Stiff Backbone of the Aadhaar Bill


1. Synthetic Biology
2. Open AI Innovation
3. Idea Factories
4. Open Access
5. The Cycles of Technology
6. Problems and Solutions
7. Timing is Everything
8. Funding Science
9. Patient Capital
10. Subscribing to Things
11. Bring Back Interoperability
12. Leveraging new technologies for development
13. Where have all the polymaths gone?
14. In defence of friction
15. Biology as engineering
16. The Future of Ownership

Intellectual Property

1. Open AI Innovation
2. NYT v. the LLMs
3. Does AI Copy
4. Rethinking Patents
5. Colour Me Purple
6. Ring Fencing
7. Should AI own IP
8. Let’s update the notion of ownership to the digital age
9. Biology as engineering
10. Cutting out the Middleman
11. The Remix Generation
12. The Artist and his Audience


1. The chilling consequences of the Internet of Things
2. It’s time to frame rules for our artificial companions
3. Easing the regulatory burden on the Internet of Things
4. How connected devices will change our lives
5. Quantified Self


1. Radical Map Reforms
2. Next Generation Map Technologies
3. The Everest Spheroid
4. Where Did Our Map Regulations Come From
5. What the New Geospatial Bill Means for You


1. The Unified Ledger
2. The Micropayment Alternative
3. The CBDC Alternative
4. The Underbelly of Digital Lending
5. Derived KYC
6. How to make online payments bustle with competition
7. Digital Inclusion for the 85%
8. Can we do without Cash


1. Threading the Needle
2. Consent Managers
3. The DPDP Rules: First Impressions
4. Networked Privacy
5. Acquiring Genetic Data
6. Homo Privaticus
7. Data Transfer Interoperability
8. Are We Willing to Change
9. Age Tokens
10. Embracing ODR
11. We've Got Work To Do
12. The Business End of the DPDP Act
13. Around The Corner
14. Sharp Lines
15. Looking Back
16. Data Breach
17. Exceptionally Simple
18. Digital Personal Data Protection
19. Privacy Impact Assessment
20. Judge Made Laws
21. Unreasonable Enforcement
22. Light at the End of the Tunnel
23. Privacy Self-Management
24. Calculated Communication
25. Identity and Privacy
26. Overlap
27. Competition in Telecoms
28. Consent to Port
29. Data localization could soon be the worldwide reality
30. The untold story behind the evolution of privacy rights
31. Tech-enabled oversight could put innovation at threat
32. The Jio-Facebook deal and our need for a privacy law
33. Mobility datasets could help India exit the lockdown
34. The privacy features that are built into Aarogya Setu
35. Liberties yielded in this crisis could set a new normal
36. The trade-off between privacy and content traceability
37. The trouble with using DNA matches to nab criminals
38. A blueprint for an effective data protection authority
39. We may need a whole new approach to data protection
40. End-to-end encryption must be retained at all cost
41. A new framework for consent to ensure data privacy
42. The needle in the digital haystack
43. How capitalism evolved to drop its defence of privacy
44. Account aggregators and e-consent for credit markets
45. The utter meaninglessness of anonymizing telecom data sets
46. When privacy, the word of the year, came into its own
47. Restoring the original vision of the internet
48. The Aadhaar verdict: everybody lost
49. When parents damage their children’s digital privacy
50. Limiting the government’s ability to violate privacy
51. Balancing Big Data and privacy
52. The Achilles heel of the draft personal data Bill
53. Complexity will be the privacy law’s undoing
54. India should make clear laws on data collection
55. The unintended consequences of Europe’s GDPR
56. A new direction for data privacy in healthcare
57. India need not adopt the onerous European General Data Protection Regulation
58. Do away with consent to strengthen data privacy
59. Data subject first
60. Privacy and household finance
61. The Good and the Bad of the Privacy Ruling
62. A New Hope for Personal Privacy
63. Aadhaar: The Fine Balance between Identity and Anonymity
64. A New Paradigm for Privacy
65. Digital Inclusion for the 85%
66. Its Time for Coveillance
67. Quantified Self
68. A Database of our Maladies
69. The accountability framework
70. The Stiff Backbone of the Aadhaar Bill


1. Transparent Take Down
2. Assembly Theory
3. The Ban Reflex
4. Open Source Governance
5. Ideas for Acceleration
6. Monopoly Over Dematerialised Violence
7. Pandora's Box
8. A New Delhi Effect
9. Around The Corner
10. New Electronic Records
11. Pre-Legislative Consultation
12. Data Breach Notifications
13. Smart Regulation
14. Striking a Balance
15. Breaking the Rules
16. Principle Based Regulations
17. Electronic Evidence
18. Retrospective
19. The Bright Side of Life
20. Platform Regulation
21. Agile Tech Regulations
22. The future is here. It is just not evenly distributed yet
23. We must guard against the casual disregard of science
24. A blueprint for an effective data protection authority
25. A three-point plan to improve tech policy formulation
26. Policy advocacy is really an exercise in compromise
27. Time to redo FDI in e-commerce in India
28. The Highway Ban
29. Path Dependence
30. FOMO and the Law
31. Regulatory Sandbox
32. Regtech Will Change the Way We Regulate
33. Lazy Legislation
34. Using Tech to Ensure Data Symmetry

Renewable Energy

1. The V2G Opportunity
2. We Don't Need Large Datasets
3. A rethink of the grid design to shape our energy future

Social Media

1. Sufficient Decentralisation
2. Federated Social Media
3. Context is King
4. The Big Tech + Media Bargain
5. The rise of TikTok and regulatory eyebrows in the US
6. The value of scepticism in the age of deep-fake videos
7. Why our attempt to escape online outrage might fail
8. End-to-end encryption must be retained at all cost
9. The government and Big Tech need to meet halfway
10. Technology is making us less open to divergent views
11. For the digital world, customer is truly king
12. Restoring the original vision of the internet
13. The psychology of hate
14. Needed: A Fact Rank Algorithm to Flag Fake News
15. The Movement of Ideas
16. Algorithmic Oversight
17. The New News


1. Space for the Private Sector
2. Elon Musk wants to colonise Mars but Earth needs to write its constitution first


1. Lessons on internet governance from the concert hall
2. Restoring the original vision of the internet


1. Somebody's Watching Me
2. The Subscription Economy
3. Why it’s not okay to compromise privacy for security
4. Internet was designed to understand and track us
5. When Algorithms Learn to Recognise You
6. Its Time for Coveillance


1. The Cost of Cold
2. A Look Back at 2024
3. The Ban Reflex
4. Synthetic Biology
5. Digitally Accessible
6. Neither Good Nor Bad
7. Safety Innovations
8. Musical Intelligence
9. Fear of the Unknown
10. Networked Thought
11. Retrospective
12. Tools For Thought
13. The future is here. It is just not evenly distributed yet
14. The case for meat options that taste like the real thing
15. Creative destruction and the global music industry
16. Decentralised Urban Management
17. The Morality of Technology
18. The Ethics of Persuasion
19. GPS is a Time Machine
20. From Ownership to Access


1. The Big Telecom Reform
2. Looking Back
3. Poorly Defined
4. Rethinking Telecom Regulation
5. The Great Unbundling of WiFi
6. The need to strengthen India’s internet infrastructure
7. The Centre could yet ride to the telecom sector’s rescue
8. A creeping expansion of TRAI’s authority


1. Truckin
2. Setting the Standard
3. Optimizing the flow of road traffic
4. Battery harmonization will help electric vehicles
5. The Future of Ownership
6. Uberisation of National Transport
7. The Ethics of Automation


1. How digital trust systems can guard against false data
2. Trust works two ways
3. False confidence
4. Trusting the Sharing Economy

Virtual Reality

1. Full Circle
2. The Future of Title
3. The Metaverse Opportunity
4. Get set for a blend of reality and its augmented version
5. Augmented Reality