
Idea Factories

There are two types of entrepreneurs: “Idea Factories,” who generate numerous ideas but struggle with execution, and “Factories for Ideas,” who excel at turning a single idea into a successful business. Recognizing whether an entrepreneur falls into one or the other of these types can help advice them appropriately - and ideally entrepreneurial teams should pair both types for optimal success.

Open Access

In the 1600s, scientists collaborated more openly in physics but in secrecy in the field of alchemy. This is probably why physics has continued to this day while alchemy is a dead science. This is why we need open access in modern technology. Shared innovation fosters progress, while secrecy leads to stagnation.

The Cycles of Technology

We believe that internet platforms are too dominant to fail. But this is not true when you think of the evolution of internet search and curation - suggesting that technology evolves in cycles. We may be on the cusp of a major cyclical transformation - in which case we may challenge the notion that Big Tech is too big to fail.

Problems and Solutions

As a reaction to the industrialization of agriculture, particularly the disproportionate land use for livestock, there is growing interest in plant-based meat alternatives. However, even these innovations may have unforeseen consequences, such as deforestation due to increased soy demand. Scientific advancements often solve problems while simultaneously creating new ones, challenging ethical norms and leading to continuous cycles of innovation and adaptation.

Timing is Everything

The success of innovation doesn’t correlate directly with statutory or structural impediments, but rather depends on timing and the right set of circumstances. Creating environments conducive to serendipitous connections across unconnected disciplines can foster innovation.