Digital Public Infrastructure

The Aadhaar amendment and private sector access

The Lok Sabha passed the Aadhaar Amendment Bill, aiming to facilitate the continued use of Aadhaar within constraints set by the Supreme Court. The bill emphasizes voluntary use, gives statutory legitimacy to offline verification, strengthens privacy provisions, and controversially allows the private sector to regain access to Aadhaar infrastructure.

Ensuring that the vulnerable benefit from Aadhaar

In the aftermath of the Supreme Court judgment the use of offline QR-based verification will prove to be a viable alternative that will allow us to continue to benefit from the Aadhaar identity system without exposing Aadhaar number holders to the many harms that the SC judgment was at pains to avoid.

The Aadhaar verdict: everybody lost

The recent Supreme Court judgment on Aadhaar has left confusion and dissatisfaction among various stakeholders. While the court upheld the identity scheme, it restricted its scope, leading to uncertainty over the role of the private sector in Aadhaar’s infrastructure. The judgment’s implications on government services and subsidies, many of which rely on private sector authentication, remain unclear, raising concerns about potential negative impacts on pensioners, migrant workers, and microfinance beneficiaries.

The Stiff Backbone of the Aadhaar Bill

While it is not without its flaws, a closer examination of the provisions of the Aadhaar Act will make it clear that it imposes on the government, some of the strongest fetters on executive over-reach of any legislation in the country.