Are We Willing to Change

India’s new data protection law will require businesses to make significant changes to the ways in which they conduct their business. To the point where they will have to fundamentally re-imagine their ways of working. It is not clear to me that many of them understand the sheer magnitude of what that entails.

DPI for Competition

The draft Digital Competition Bill, 2024 is so heavily influenced by European regulation that it feels like yet another example of premature imitation. Which is strange considering that we can so easily leverage our DPI to deliver much more nuanced outcomes.

Digitally Accessible

One would have thought that digital technologies might have made this world a more inclusive place. As a matter of fact it has not. But there is a need for us to do better. A moral - and even economic - necessity to make this a more disabled friendly world.

Time Limited Arguments

Everyone agrees that there is an urgent need to reform many aspects of the judicial system. One way to do this might be to re-consider the reliance we currently place on oral advocacy and try and find an alternative way of doing things. Maybe even get rid of it entirely.

AI Companions

One of the fastest growing categories of AI services is artificial companions. Recent advances in large language models have significantly accelerated its proliferation. But as much as there are benefits to conversational engagement with artificial intelligence, there are psychological implications we will have to consider.